Perry Miniatures

Perry Miniatures - Russian Napoleonic Infantry 1809-1814

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The figures in the boxed set will represent a battalion of a Russian Infantry regiment from 1809-1814. All 40 figures will have the option of the 1809 or 1812 kiwer (shako) or the 1811 forage caps. The 1809 kiwer actually continued in use alongside the 1812 pattern until late in the war. The 1811 regulations stipulated that a grenadier platoon was attached to each battalion , so we have also included these in the box. The figures could be painted as a regular ‘Infantry' battalion, or that of Jagers (remembering the jager didn't use standards) or Marines.

You will get 6 infantry sprues and one command in the set.

Includes a painting guide, flags, and unit bases.

Distributor Code: RN 100
Perry Code: RN20