Battlefront Miniatures

Flames of War - Berlin: German (LW 100p A4 HB)

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Berlin: German is a book that covers a wide variety of Formations that saw fighting in the last months of the war as the Germans attempted to hold back the Soviet juggernaut from their doorstep. They were also trying to hold back the combined onslaught of the Canadian, British, American and French forces coming from the west.

Inside you will find background on German forces on the Western and Eastern Front from January 1945 to May 1945, instructions on how to build a Panzer Battle Group, a Clausewitz Panther (IR) Tank Company, a Clausewitz StuG Assault Gun Company, a Clausewitz Panzersturm Company, a Heavy Tank Training Company, a Tank Training Company, a Berlin Fallschirmjäger Company, and a Berlin Battle Group. In addition, there is a comprehensive Painting and Basing guide, two new Missions and expanded Night Fighting rules.

The first formation you will find in Berlin: German is the Clausewitz Panther (IR) Tank Company. This formation represents other night fighting equipped Panther tanks that equipped several companies of both the Panzerdivision ‘Clausewitz’ and Panzerdivision ‘Müncheberg’. Clausewitz is an unusual division that was assembled from a number of orphaned, replacement, and training units from around northwest Germany. Clausewitz was made of troops from 106. Panzer-Brigade ‘Feldherrnhalle’, Panzerschule ‘Putlos’, Panzergrenadier-Regiment ‘Feldherrnhalle’, Panzergrenadier-Regiment 42, Panzer-Aufklärungs-Abteilung ‘Elbe’ and Panzerjäger-Abteilung ‘Grossdeutschland’. A number of new units were formed from various sources including Panzerartillerie-Abteilung 144 and Panzerpionier-Bataillon 144. Despite being formed as a whole division, due to shortages in motor transport Clausewitz fought as three Kampfgruppen (Battle Groups), with the armoured infantry and armour divided into two mobile groups, while the infantry and artillery, who were without motor vehicles, fought from defensive positions.

We decided to focus on two mobile groups of Clausewitz, Kampfgruppe Wallenberg and Kampfgruppe von Benningsen with the Clausewitz Panther (IR) Tank Company, Clausewitz StuG Assault Gun Company, and Clausewitz Panzersturm Company. These two battlegroups were armed with a mix of tanks. Kampfgruppe Wallenberg is based around a core of Panther tanks and StuG G assault guns with further back-up from its own platoon of Jagdpanther tank-hunters. These are further supported by panzergrenadiers, and various weapons platoons like 12cm mortars and FlaK half-tracks. Kampfgruppe von Benningsen also has a core of Panther tanks, supplemented by Panzer IV tanks, and Panzer IV/70 tank-hunters, as well as panzergrenadiers, armoured cars, anti-tank guns, and assault guns. To reflect the desperate nature of the situation we have rated these troops’ Motivation as Reluctant, but due to their experience, their Skill is rated Veteran and Hit On Careful 4+.