Mayfair Games


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Patchwork is a form of needlework that involves sewing together pieces of fabric into a larger design. In the
past, it was a way to make use of leftover pieces of cloth to create clothing and quilts. Today, patchwork is a
form of art, in which the designers use precious fabrics to create beautiful textiles. The use of uneven pieces of
fabric in particular can result in real masterpieces and is therefore being practiced by a large number of textile

To create a beautiful quilt, however, requires effort and time, but the available patches just do not want to fit
together. So choose your patches carefully and keep a healthy supply of buttons to not only finish your quilt, but
to make it better and more beautiful than your opponent‘s.

Players 2
Playtime 30
Age 8+

    1 neutral token
    2 time tokens
    2 quilt boards
    1 two sided central time board
    33 patches
    50 button tiles
    1 rule book