Para Bellum

Conquest - Sorcerer Kings: Efreet Sword Dancers

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In Game Role

●    Battlefield Role: Brute Regiment
●    Class: Medium
●    Type: Brute


Split into countless small enclaves scattered across the vast expanse of the Ruby Shores, the Efreet have escaped the fate of the Ghols and retained their higher function. Strong, proud and vengeful, only their fractious nature has allowed the Sorcerer Kings to bow these powerful combatants to their will. Flamecasters excel at ranged support and disrupting the foe, while Sword Dancers wade into combat with a malicious glee that is terrifying to behold

Box Contents

●    Dual Kit. Contains 3 Plastic Miniatures (Efreet Flamecasters/Efreet Sword Dancers)
●    3 Brute Plastic Stands
●    3 Brute Bases
●    2 Command Cards

Product Information

●    Assembly: Required.
●    Box size: 30x15x6cm; 410gr
●    Material: Plastic
●    Scale: 38mm