Trans Atlantis Games

Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy: Two Thin Coats Paint Range Wave 2

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Created from years of professional and hobby painting. Duncan Rhodes Painting Academy and Trans Atlantis Games are proud to present Two Thin Coats Paints.

Each colour has been expertly created by some of the world’s foremost paint-chemists. Working hand-in-hand with Duncan to create the perfect set of shadows, midtones, highlights, metallics, brights, glazes and washes.

We have not used paints that have been bought off the shelf. Duncan and the TAG team have developed them to be easy to use. The Paints behave consistently no matter the colour. They can be used for every technique from airbrushing to drybushing, to basecoats to glazing.

Two Thin Coats are made up of 120 unique colours. Our opaque colours are arranged into triad, three colours that will work together with a shade, midtone and highlight of each colour. Of course this isn’t a prescriptive system as you can use 3 highlight paints on your miniatures if you like!